Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Horse Show??

Of course...  It's me, so I have a funny story about the horse show.  We went!!  And we did sooo good.  Have everything load and on the road (kids and all!!).  And we got there and realized I had forgotten the coggins papers for Palmer and Bella.  Talk about being disappointed!  But, bless my husband, the ever patient man that he is.  He never got upset, and we ended up laughing about it.  We did discover a few things that we wanted to do before we attempt another show.  Like some bling for our tack.  GESH.  We could not get over all the fancy tack and this was just a local show.  So...  We need some bling.  And I need a cowgirl hat.  Any suggestions?!  Man this stuff is expensive.  :)  Good thing we both love it.
I snuck outside to check on the horses and give Airiah some hay.  So, I took the opportunity to take a couple pics with our new camera (new to us that is...  Ebay is a great thing!).  He is so handsome!!  And growing like a weed.  Enjoy the pics!!  Have a great night and promise more another day!
We have riding lessons on Saturday with the trainer to prep Palmer and Bella for the shows.  And Shadow will go on Monday to the trainers for ground work.  All very exciting.  :)
Handsome Nevar

Airiah and Nevar.

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