Sunday, March 10, 2013

What a day!

We had such good intentions…  We knew that it was daylight savings, but I thought, my phone will automatically adjust and my alarm will still go off at the right time.  Not sure what happened, but my alarm never went off.   Sunday school starts at 9:30, it’s a 12 minute drive from home to church.    Not the best way to start our morning, but we raced and got there… late.  Our class read about King Xerxes and Queen Esther today.  We are using the teen version of The Story.  It is amazing!  I highly recommend it for anyone trying to teach a junior high age group.  Our students love it.  Our church family had a great surprise for our youth leaders who are expecting their first baby in just a couple more weeks.  Pastor’s wife unveiled a huge stack of diapers and wipes.  Our awesome youth leaders were speechless with surprise.  It was a great moment! 
Once home, we had leftovers for lunch.  I attempted to get the kids down for their naps, attempted being the key word.  Jayden decided to get out of bed, run to the door, throw it open and start yelling whatever came to mind.   At some point during all the chaos, Will left for the Easter Cantata practice.  After several failed attempts of getting Jayden down, Tristan gave up on his nap and came downstairs.  I put him on the couch with a movie playing quietly.  He laid there with his blanket though the entire movie.  I lost count of the number of times I went upstairs, but eventually Jayden fell asleep for two hours. 
Once peace was restored, I was able to work on book keeping for the farm and organize some more of the paper work I need to process.  I kept the laundry going and Tristan helped me make a venison meatloaf.  I still have a bunch more bookkeeping to get done, hopefully tonight.  But the majority has been accomplished, just a few more hours and I hope to have the farm books ready for taxes.  Let me tell you, this last year has been overwhelming.  Between bucket feeding Shadow, then Shadow’s broken knee issues, two small children, Sunday school, AWANA, help with horse chores, work full time, and one big kid (I mean husband), cleaning, laundry, cooking and trying to learn Quickbooks… I am wore out!  But hopefully at some point, it will slow down.  At least that is what I tell myself.   

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